Beware, or I'll eat you alive.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Lady with a Leopard~~~~

My sweet things, your opinion please~~~~~

What does this image conjure up in your mind~~~~~ Personally I like it.

Sometimes I feel as if I do have a "leopard by the tail" or leash as it maybe.  I'm home with my Family right now, and it is so festive!  

One would think it a "Thomas Kinkade" painting,  the house is so cheerful, Mom and Dad looking good and so is Baby Sis and her Sweetheart. 

It's cold, nipping the nose with a bit of frost, even Dad's dog has a nice red sweater to keep him warm.  I loved the train ride home, considering all the difficulties people have with cancelled flights,  unless you're on the west coast, visit family during Easter or the Summer time, and Skype during Christmas or even a long phone call.  Of course its not the same.  But it's safer.

This evening we are going to check out the local Christmas Tree lane and then go the Elks Lodge for a Christmas Dance, with Big Band music, Mom and Dad have become quiet the "Swingers", if I'm to believe my sister.  But it's fun.

And that is what I need right now fun.

Kisses Sweet Things

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